Success Decoded With Jos Aguiar

$6M Product Orders for the price of a LinkedIn Message and a round of coffees?????



$6M Product Orders for the price of a LinkedIn Message and a round of coffees????? Elizabeth Pearson is a speaker, success coach and author of the forthcoming book, Manifesting Through The Mess. She is a money mindset expert specializing in helping women entrepreneurs and executives increase their income by at least an additional six figures within a year. Passionate about helping women get unstuck, uncovering limiting beliefs and energetic blocks, Elizabeth routinely helps her clients get promotions, large salary raises and tap into their true passions. During this process, she helps them identify their calling so that they can do what they love and make a great living with it. With a BA in journalism, Elizabeth climbed the career ladder in the traditional corporate world where she managed multi-million dollar accounts (i.e. Target, Walmart, Amazon, Costco, Whole Foods, Disney, Ulta, CVS, Walgreens, etc) for Coca-Cola, Vitaminwater/Smartwater, B&G Foods, Pirate’s Booty, Skinfix and more. After launc