Feminine As F*ck

12: Keto vs Paleo for your hormones



In this episode I talk about the difference between Keto and Paleo and why they are good/aren't good for your hormones. ☾ Why neither are the answer for long term hormone balance ☾ Why men and women are very different in terms of doing keto ☾ The effect of a very low carb diet on your hormones ☾ The good parts of both 'diets' ☾ How you actually should be eating ☾ All your questions from my instagram question box answered at the end  Please email or Insta DM your questions and i will answer them in the next poddy!  ♡Ski accident YouTube video here ♡For a Strategy Session click here ♡To join my Bad Ass Bitches Academy click here ♡To join my Feminine AF Mastermind click here ♡Follow Monica on Insta: @monicayateshealth ♡Programs, content, and freebies - monicayates.com.au ♡To become a client email Monica at hello@monicayates.com.au As per usual this podcast is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other