Rooted In Reason With Becca Lynn Johnson

Episode 8: Lessons from What About Bob



Do you have a big vision for your life?  Got goals? Dreams? Things you really want to achieve? Does thinking about those BIG things ever bring on fear, doubt, or uncertainty. I get that. I know what it feels like to have vision and goals that are so big that it's literally paralyzing to even think about how you are going to achieve them. Thank goodness for the movie, "What About Bob!" That movie changed my life!  I am not even kidding.  Who would have thought? It also brought me a ton of joy because it's hilarious! But seriously, that movie taught me a SIMPLE and PRACTICAL tangible mindset I began applying into my life 15 years ago. Doing what I learned from that movie has helped me achieve and conquer some BIG VISIONS and BIG GOALS and I know it will help you too! Tune in as I share how "BOB", and this movie, changed my life. Be sure to rate, review, and share this if you feel it can bless others! I am rooting for you!