Feminine As F*ck

10: BONUS EP: Boujee Ass B*tches Luxury Immersion with Asti Maree



In the latest episode of Feminine as F*ck, Asti and I are talking about our EPIC Boujee ass Luxury Immersion that we are hosting in October 2019 or the women that is  ready to commit to herself wholeheartedly  knows that this is the time to take real action and make long-lasting changes is sick of just talking about her problems, and actually wants SUSTAINABLE results  wants to heal her childhood wounds and blocks has any sexual trauma that her body is still activated by  wants to reprogram her subconscious so that she can have the life she is worthy and deserving of having  wants to come home to herself and is ready to put herself first  Boujee bitch lives with and open mind, a full heart and a juicy yoni. She is fully embodied in her power, she is in full alignment with her soul self, and is so turned on by life.  She speaks her truth, doesn’t let people cross her boundaries and is unapologetically her authentic self. Whether that be, fire, water, earth or air.