Limited Appeal

Limited Appeal - Now stuffed with Macaroni (Part 2)



For the first time in a long while, we reach deep into the mail sack. In reference to Episode Muffcake, a listener comments on all the crap in our podcast, and suggests we might want to run for office. Luc questions the relevance of cupcakes and muffins for public policy planning, but perhaps he's unfairly dismissing some broadly relevant aspects of baking for the common good. Perhaps. Next, Warren refers to an episode of Seinfeld in which pastrami is designated as the most sensual of salted cured meats. He asks the obvious question: what is the least sensual salted cured meat? Does sensual have too many sexual connotations for you? How about sensuous? No difference? You obviously don't work in a charcuterie shop. Cop that, John Milton! If you don't like it, feel free to punch our mail sack ( Theme music courtesy of General Patton vs. The X-Ecutioners and Ipecac Recordings.