Paid Search Magic

054: The D.R.E.A.M Framework for Pitching & Winning Dream Clients



Welcome to the Paid Search Magic Podcast, where we discuss client management, digital advertising and paid search on Google Ads and Bing Ads. Well, it's finally happened: after polling users, colleagues and members of our group, it's pretty clear what most people are interested in: finding and winning the business of dream clients. This is something we know something about. After starting our own agency, we were planning on eating Ramen for 12 months as we ramped up. Imagine our surprise when we pulled six figures in our first few months in business. We did this following steps that are simple, repeatable, and most importantly, learnable. In this episode, we go over the basic principles of the DREAM framework so that you can understand how, in general, we get great clients at Paid Search Magic. After you listen to the episode, if you decide you want to join our growing group of students, you can find more information at: You can also join us on Facebook in our group "Goog