Paid Search Magic

051: Quality Score: The Art, the Science, the Mystery



  This is episode #51, and today we’re talking about “Quality Score”. If you’re brand new to Google Ads you may not have heard of QS, and if that’s you… welcome. In all other cases, you HAVE heard of quality score, but you might have some lingering questions. We talk about paid search being an art and a science, and there are few areas where there’s more overlap between those two disciplines. Today we’re going to talk about what Quality Score is AND ISN’T, and why it matters to our accounts, our optimization strategies, and our clients. We’ll talk about the myths that are still circling, and what you can do today to better understand and get the most out of your quality score.   Links & Resources: Google's definition of Quality Score (Amy is vindicated!) How to check you Quality Score Ad Rank explained Google page speed insights