Full Time Hustle

Ep 55: Scheduling Social Media like a Boss



Scheduling instagram posts has helped our business tremendously, and these tips work for instagram or any social media. You can even modify it for blogging or even podcasting! With this, we've had richer content on social media, leading to increased interactions with clients, and therefore more bookings. It also saves us a ton of time in the long haul, especially now that instagram allows auto posting! This method also allows for easy outsourcing. I have someone do steps 4, 5, and 6 for me because that's what I really don't enjoy doing. You don't have to do all of this every time, but this is how you get started. 1) Make a list of things you will post about (you, hobby, family, passion, work, favorite food/activity, a journey you're on)- can be multiple things for each category, but get these written down, then focus them in on what you would like to post about - remember, people love personal things. You don't have to share everything (we don't!) but we share enough personal things that people feel like t