Full Time Hustle

Ep 54: How we Budget for the Slow Months



Blah.  There's that B word again... budget.  Yet it's a question we get often, so we're diving into the nitty gritty of how we pay our bills when there isn't cashflow coming in, and it's a 3 part answer! But first... Entrepreneur.com has a great article titled 15 Business Tips Every Entrepreneur Should Know full of really great tips, which leads us right to todays episode topic: How do we budget for slow months? The question that is NEVER asked is how do we budget for busy months? But they answer is the same for both-- and you have to pay attention to both-- you can't just focus on freaking out in the slow months and trying to make enough money to survive. Instead we use those months to dream and grow in ways we can't when we're super busy. We regulate our finances-- plan for the whole year rather than month to month. It takes a few key things to do this: 1) We know what our baseline household budget is for each month. How much money do we really need to pay our bills, eat, and put gas in the car? You HAV