Rust Belt Startup

Episode 11 – Arian Horbovetz | What Makes a Great City?



What makes a great city? That's what we're going to dive into with my guest Arian Horbovetz who is the author of The Urban Phoenix. It's a blog that focuses on conversations surrounding our urban environments. So he's the perfect person to talk about how small cities are reinventing themselves and creating dynamic urban environments. Arian is also a person who has gone car-less... in Rochester NY. So he has a unique take on alternative and public transportation. He started his blog as a way to document his visits to cities and towns across NY State via train and foldable bike. The Urban Phoenix has evolved into deep dives into urban planning, placemaking and much much more. So in our conversation we talk about Trains, Rust Belt Cities, and examples of what small cities are doing to make themselves unique destinations to live and work. This was one of those conversations that didn't even require any editing - it was just a damn good chat. Hope you enjoy it.