Full Time Hustle

Ep 50(!!!!): Chasing a Big Dream with Ed Bley



We're celebrating pretty hardcore about hitting 50 episodes! Today we're doing a little trivia about the 1950s and making Josh guess all the answers... and the 5th question is quite surprising.  We also chat about what's new at the end of todays episode.  Let's just say we're highlighting a big milestone for Josh, and a terrible milestone for myself. Today’s guest, is Ed Bley, and unless your one of Josh's bourbon pals listening to this, you probably have no idea who I’m talking about. And while you may not know who Ed is, let me tell you, he is a force to be reckoned with in the bourbon world. Few people have done more private barrel selections than this guy, and we’re gonna talk about what that is and why it matters in a second. The big thing I’m excited about is how much Ed is going to inspire you to chase your dream. A lot of people talk about making their side hustle their full time gig, but the reality is that very few will actually be able to do it. Ed is one of the few who has not only done it, but h