Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 029: Yvette Bowlin: How Decluttering Translates to Greater Productivity



I was so glad to reconnect with an old friend for this episode of Office Talk, Yvette Bowlin, also known as the Declutterist®. Yvette exudes such a calm and focused energy that I think as entrepreneurs we’re all struggling to find. We’re often so busy doing, or we’re overanalyzing and in our heads. Yvette shares how her trip backpacking through Brazil in college taught her the importance of not only decluttering her possessions, but also her thoughts. Upon returning, she was inspired to maintain that life of simplicity and to help others find it as well. She began her business as the Declutterist®, guiding clients on their path towards clarity, freedom, and fulfillment in their personal and professional lives.   To learn more and get the show notes, visit: