Full Time Hustle

Ep 40: “Can I Have a Discount?”



How many times do you get asked, "Do you offer discounts?"  If you are like us, it is nearly constant.  A few guiding principles can really help navigate the minefield of discounts.  Decide at the outset what you will do so you have an answer when you get asked...and you will. The way we see it, giving back is part of business BUT we don't give a percentage discount to specific groups, because there are so many people that are worthy or a discount, and we don't want to get into picking and choosing who is worthy. These are our guiding principles. 1) Decide where your heart is.   Do you WANT to give a discount? Is there an organization or group of people that really have your heart and you're passionate about giving back to them? A discount is a great way to do it! It's also a great way to advertise to that specific group. 2) You don't have to give a discount in order to appreciate a group. For military, we give freebies every now and then instead of percentages. Likewise, for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep,