Green Is The New Black With Ashley Williams

Hypnotherapry For Anxiety w/ Grace Smith - GITNB S4 Ep 067



World renowned Hypnotherapist Grace Smith (founder of Grace Space) shares her amazing journey with hypnotherapy, how it helped her quit smoking, how she helper her father-in-law overcome paralysis in one session and how it can be used in every day life to treat anxiety. Grace will also share how in just 1 year she became one of the most experienced hypnotherapists in the world!   Things discussed: Learn what makes hypnotherapy different from everything you think about being hypnotized   Grace shares how hypnosis was the only thing that helped her quit smoking The amazing story of Grace helping to heal her future father-in-law of paralysis Why Grace feels hypnosis is a human rights issue Grace’s story of becoming one of the most experienced hypnotherapists in the world, thanks to Living Social How to access Grace Space, a massive library of hypnosis tools for FREE How to use hypnosis for anxiety and stress Make sure to become a Patreon sponsor to access a fun bonus interview with Grace where she’ll hypnotize