Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 12-01-10 Part 2



In part 2, Evil Gene checks in after about a month being bounced around on the schedule. They talk about how cold it has been and Viz says he needs a cock cozy and that Mama Annie could make him one. Viz thanks Gene for being part of the program and discovers that he even voted to nominate another podcast program. Viz tries to find out from Gene who he nominated but he won't spill the beans. Viz gives Gene a hard time for not saying who he voted for and also for saying that it was possible for them to be nominated for the Cybersocket Awards and Viz says it was all porn related. Viz tells Gene that he still has not heard from Brent Corrigan on being booked on the show and Gene tells him that he passed it on to Annie and she dropped the ball. Gene brings up the Zombie porn film and how it was banned in Australia and not allowed to be played in the country. After the break a listener sent in a song in the form of a Mary Poppins song to Viz so he decided to play it for Ms. Annie. Viz tells a story about how he th