You've Got Mel- With Mel Rosenberg

4/6/11 - With Prof. Shimon Schocken



Mel Rosenberg ( has been dreaming for a long time. Early on he dreamed of being an astronomer and brain researcher, but instead sold pianos, raspberries and floor wax. He ended up a microbiologist, inventor, jazz singer and musician, and writer of children's books on health and well-being.
He has sung with Donovan, Israel Gurion, Mike Bursteyn and Annie Sellick, but not with Paul Simon or Paul McCartney.
He has some websites that work (; ) and others that don't. He had an invention that succeeded internationally and others that didn't.
He dreamed of having a personal and intimate radio show. And now he does. "You've got Mel" is a full hour, one-on-one interview where cool people share their visions, their dreams, and their lives. Mel doubles as interviewer and entertainer. Omri Ariav produces and adlibs.
Mel's future dreams include smelling the breath of Queen Elizabeth II, and having his own TV show for kids.