Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 552: UR XtraOrdinary with Trevor Perry



“I am willing to take all the risk and be disliked by people because I know that the positivity that I spread completely outweighs that negativity” Trevor Perry is a URXO perspective catalyst and his passion is to let people know that they are EXTRAORDINARY, hence the URXO title. Coming from a small country town in Australia, Trevor was a very entertaining young kid who was very good at Math. With this, he went on to be an Accountant and thought this would be his career for life; not until his divorce. Going through a hard time he went into improv and street theater and rediscovered himself. He then found a passion for storytelling. His message is all about being extraordinary, finding your passion and learning to overcome your fears. In this podcast he also talks about MAD or your “make a difference thing” and the equation on how to live an extraordinary life. Let Trevor and Kim guide you as you find your life message and become the person you are meant to become. Check out my website: https://thekimsutton.c

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