Got Faded Japan

Got Faded Japan ep 747! Writing a Successful Book in Japan, Fabrice Blancher



Got Faded Japan ep 746! Today Faders, we have the pleasure of meeting up with the renowned French author, Fabrice Blancher, who has made a mark in the self-help genre with his latest book "Time is Life." This talented writer currently resides in Japan, weaving together his diverse experiences from around the globe to create a transformative guide on living your best and most positive life. Join us as we delve into his journey, the inspiration behind his book, and how his wisdom can help us all embrace positivity and success like never before. Our guest is not just an author, but a retired DJ who has brought joy and music to countless hearts. Having lived a life filled with adventures from various corners of the world, his unique perspective shines through in his work. "Time is Life" promises to be a beacon of light, offering a roadmap to eliminate negativity and cultivate a brighter, more fulfilling life existence. Get ready to be inspired and motivated as we uncover the secrets to unlocking a more posi