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247: You're FIRED! Can Be a Career Booster with Stephanie Brown



Stephanie Brown, founder of Creative Career Level Up and author of 'Fired, Why Losing Your Job, is the best thing that can happen to you', shares her insights on how being fired can be a blessing in disguise and an opportunity for career development. She discusses strategies for career progression, overcoming imposter syndrome, and the importance of feedback and reflection for self-improvement. SHOW NOTES: Stephanie Brown is the Founder of Creative Career Level Up, a program that helps those in marketing, creative, and tech industries accelerate their careers and secure their next perfect role—along with a promotion and a salary increase. Stephanie has spent the last 15 years working in the marketing, creative and tech industries, and what makes her program stand out and a proven system is she used her 13 years’ experience working as a senior marketing executive at Nike (8 years in total) and Apple (5 years) to develop its curriculum. She’s been fired twice and took both opportunities to reframe her career.