Laptop Lifestyle Podcast With Dr. Ed Osburn | Online Business Success

LLP 002: Marci Lock | Hacking Facebook Organically | Internal Alignment | You are your F*cking Client



Marci Lock is 'the' online coach and mentor to follow and watch--while learning.  In this episode we discuss:  Marketing your personality  Rejection protection  Internal alignment Being your BEST client Facebook Organic domination  Marci focuses on the TRUE Components to create life long results and has the the credibility to prove it. RESULTS DON’T LIE and not only has she gone through the journey herself, but assisted thousands in their transformation. As a TV & Radio Nutrition & Fitness Expert, Life Transformation Coach, Show Host, Author and Motivational Speaker, Marci travels the world sharing her passion and purpose in transforming lives, and creating health from the inside out. She thrives on the “hands on” transformational process experienced in her Bootcamps, Retreats and Seminars. She is the Mother of two amazing little boys and she seizes life through living what she teaches. One of the Core Game Changer Coachings Freedom audio 1   /react-text