Laptop Lifestyle Podcast With Dr. Ed Osburn | Online Business Success

LLP 008: Kolby [Kay] Kolibas | Does Your Idea Suck? | Branding & Validating Your Online Business


Synopsis “Create the Life You Want.” Mr. Kolibas
is an entrepreneur, author, revolutionary, teacher, student, husband and father. He spent over 15 years in corporate America as an executive running sales and marketing for companies such as IBM, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, Dell and many others. Kolby has built, sold and advised over 20 startups that have generated over 50 million dollars in revenue. In this session he will discuss ways to take your idea from a concept to earning revenue in 90 days. 15 years in corporate America as an executive running sales and marketing Global Budget 500M Owner of 5 business ventures Author Public Speaker Board of directors for Fiesta Bowl Committee Ran a success sports and marketing agency representing NFL, NBA and 
UFC Entertainment Coordinator 2002 Olympics Harvard Leadership Development Program 2010-2011 The Entrepreneur Movement: 
Helping over 300 entrepreneurs take ideas to revenue, Mr. Kolibas specializes in sales process, market penetration, sales an