Laptop Lifestyle Podcast With Dr. Ed Osburn | Online Business Success

LLP 013: Ryan Michler | Order of Man | Creating & Leading (& Monetizing) a Massive Tribe of Loyal Fans



Ryan Michler is the man behind the “Order of Man” Podcast and Blog. Ryan started Order of Man to “Give men a community and resource to become better. Better at what you ask? All facets of life, from self-mastery to family, from money to contribution, and everywhere in between.” Ryan will be the first to tell you that he’s not perfect, and that’s OK. In this episode Ryan takes us through his journey and gives us some valuable insights into what we can do to become better men. In this LLP episode, Ryan and Dr. Ed discuss: The inspiration for starting order of man Ryan’s rock bottom What women REALLY want men to be Ryan’s Superpower Willingness to ACT Ryan’s greatest Weakness The importance of having tough conversations to become a better man. How improving one area of your life with improve all other areas The biggest misunderstanding people have of doing business online You don’t have to know everything. You don’t need to be perfect   Connect with Ryan: ( Faceboo