Askalli: Self-publishing Advice Podcast

Marketing Middle-Grade or Young-Adult Books and More Self-Publishing Questions Answered by Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black: Member Q&A Podcast



In the latest installment of the AskALLi Member Q&A podcast from the Alliance of Independent Authors, hosts Michael La Ronn and Sacha Black discuss effective strategies for marketing middle-grade or young-adult books. They emphasize the importance of targeting parents rather than children and recommend networking with other authors in the same genre to maximize visibility and sales. Other questions include: What do you do differently to launch a perma-free story or list magnet compared to a sale for a short story? What are some promotional things to do when marketing a murder mystery besides paying for NetGalley reviews? What are the moral issues of using AI narration as opposed to a human for your audiobook? Do you have any rules of engagement for dealing with negative reviews and nasty comments? Is it okay to attach press releases when approaching media, and should you try to speak to journalists in person or on the phone? Are there any benefits or disadvantages to launching two books at the same time,