

Three Key Quotes: "The first thing we want to do to get better at call planning and holding effective meetings is to know who we're communicating with." "Start with their objectives first, not your own biases. Figure out what they are looking to accomplish." "The desired next steps are they like, comment, share with others, and apply what they've learned." This episode covers a simple yet powerful model for effective communication. Our guest explains the importance of understanding your audience's objectives, setting clear goals for your message, and defining actionable next steps. By applying these principles, you can improve both internal and external communications, driving better outcomes. 5 Key Takeaways: Know Your Audience Identify who will be in the meeting or watching the video. Understand their roles and how complexity increases with more participants. Tailor your message to the specific needs of your audience. Anticipate Their Objectives Consider what the audience wants to achieve. Align yo