Grief, Guts And Green Smoothies

Living a Rare Life with Erik Rock [Part 2]



00:00:00 - Introduction to the episode and a brief recap of the concepts of leveraging pain as a tool for personal and communal growth. 00:01:30 - Melissa recounts the painful yet transformative experiences following her daughter Layden’s death, focusing on overcoming the feelings of punishment and unworthiness. 00:02:35 - Discussion on building the muscle of self-trust and focusing on one’s mission without external validation. 00:04:46 - Erik delves into the universal battle between our rational and irrational thoughts, emphasizing the importance of nurturing the ‘angel’ voice to combat the often louder, negative ‘devil’ voice. 00:08:44 - Strategies for maintaining a positive outlook, the benefits of physical activity on mental clarity, and the importance of establishing routines that encourage positive decision-making. 00:11:18 - Addressing the toxic impact of victim mentality and entitlement, and how these can hinder personal and professional growth. 00:19:43 - Closing thoughts on the power of owning your
