

Three Key Quotes: "The most common mistake with any of this is lack of clarity around what the objective is." "Work your thirty, sixty, ninety and then come back in and start to reflect and assess how you've made progress against it." "Stop overcomplicating your approach to goal setting and execution, simplify it through the game plan." This podcast episode delves into simplifying execution to achieve results. The Mike emphasizes clarity in setting objectives, devising strategies, and aligning tactics. By using a structured approach of thirty, sixty, ninety-day plans, listeners are encouraged to break down tasks, measure progress, and make necessary adjustments for success. 5 Key Takeaways: Clarity in Objectives Clearly define what you want to achieve. Break down the objective into specific, manageable parts. Ensure everyone involved understands the goal. Strategic Planning Identify multiple paths to reach your goal. Limit your strategies to three to maintain focus. Align your actions with chosen str