Feminine As F*ck

373: 3 Steps to Reconnect With Your Intuition and Fully Trust Your Body Again



We’re ALL highly intuitive... especially women. BUT intuition is actually more than just simply “trusting your gut.” There might be a lot standing in your way of easily hearing/feeling and wholeheartedly *trusting* those nigglings. This episode is going to help you get clear on the tangible steps you can take to reconnect with your intuition right now and start fully trusting your body again! Here’s more of what you can expect in this episode: ✨ how it feels to actually be connected to your intuition ✨ why as women we often second guess ourselves ✨ why the wrong thing literally can’t happen if you listen to your intuition ✨ how to start expanding your awareness of what’s possible ✨ how the hard things that happen ultimately serve your highest good ✨ where true internal safety comes from ✨ the ways that our highly intuitive nature as children is shut down ✨ the role trauma and dissociation play in whether we feel/don’t feel our intuition ✨ why being “in your feminine” still includes putting your foot down so