The Tiny Time Big Results Podcast With Yasmin Vorajee

#105: This Stops Your Ready to Buy Clients From Buying



Do you ever wonder why you're not attracting amazing clients? You get some clients but you want more of the dreamy clients - the ones who love what you do, value your work and are happy to pay your fees. E ven if your strategy is on fire - if you don't get this one thing right, all the strategy in the world won't fix it!! Nail this piece and you will be so magnetic - clients will be falling all over you, you'll get enquiries in your inbox, opportunities landing at your feet - all because you did this one thing! Listen to the podcast and get the full story! Looking to Multiply Your Income & Impact With a Magnetic Messaging System That Scales Even When You’re Only Working 4 Hours a Day? Get the details about my course, Multiplier -  ***************************************************************************** Hello lovely! I'm Yasmin. I'm a Messaging & Business Coach, bestselling author and the founder of Tiny Time Big Results. With over 30,000 students worldwide,