On The Brink With Andi Simon

Traca Savadogo—Rethinking Your Story: A Path To Transform Your Life And Find Joy



Hear how Traca Savadogo found a new path to transform her life. Welcome to "On the Brink with Andi Simon," the podcast where we delve into the transformative power of self-discovery and personal growth. I'm your host, Andi Simon, and today, I am thrilled to bring you an inspiring conversation with Traca Savadogo, a renowned relationship strategist who specializes in guiding individuals on their journey to find themselves. In this episode, we'll explore Traca's fascinating journey of self-discovery, a journey that has transformed her from a place of struggle to becoming a beacon of empowerment for contless others. Traca's story is not just about overcoming obstacles; it's about embracing the power within oneself to rewrite the narrative of one's life, a power that can lead to profound transformation and joy. Join us as we listen to Traca's journey of self-discovery. Traca's path to becoming a sought-after relationship strategist was challenging. Like many of us, she experienced doubt, uncertainty, and despair.