Feminine As F*ck

369: An Honest Conversation About Your Business and Your Dream Life: Do the Two *Actually* Align?



Plus, Why You Want Your Business to Feel Like Your Man (And How This Will Make Things So Much Easier)   Monica’s giving you INSIDER INFO on how she’s created over a million dollars in your business the last 3 years without adding more overwhelm and more more more to her plate, even when life has ebbed and flowed and required something different from her in different seasons.  She’s all about honesty and transparency here - and showing you that you CAN have it all, *and* is that what you actually want? Is it worth the cost? And does your business (and your day-to-day operations) actually align with your dream lifestyle? Or is something out of balance here? Is it sustainable? Can it withstand the test of time? Here’s what you can expect from this epi: