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The Transparency Sale Part 2 with Todd Caponi #222



The Transparency Sale Part 2 with Todd Caponi #222 This is the second of a two part series interviewing Todd Caponi, the former Chief Revenue Officer at Chicago’s PowerReviews. Todd is in the process of authoring a new book titled “The Transparency Sale”. This book is in response to the changing influence of social media in selling and the failure of former challenger sale strategies. Todd has held leadership roles with three tech companies, including ExactTarget, where he helped the organization to a successful IPO and a $2.7B exit to Reality of Decision Making Customer decisions are filled with imperfection, tied to subconcious decision making and feeling. People make decisions with feelings and back them up with logic. Sellers who understand this fact quickly learn to focus on feelings first to snag interest and then generate desire. Negotiation Strategy Negotiating policy commonly recommends holding your cards close. Todd disagrees. Play your cards immediately at the start of the negotiat