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What is the Tao of Sales Babble #493



What is the Tao of Sales Babble #493 Each week we apply the Taoist philosophy to some aspect of sales. We may talk about prospecting, qualifying, and closing, and share some practical Taoist examples using little parables involving Pat, Chris, and Lee. I’m unusually fascinated by this topic, a bit of a fanatic,  and have coined this topic the Tao of Sales Babble. Why babble? To quote Lao Tzu, "Sincere words are not fine; Fine words are not sincere." Lao Tzu taught that understanding and wisdom do not necessarily rely on eloquent or elaborate speech. When it comes to sales, there is a plethora of babble about selling, and most of it is negative. I believe true wisdom comes from sincerity and a deeper connection to the fundamental truths. That's what I call the Tao of Sales Babble. Today let's babble about those fundamental truths.  Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful selling is understanding what buyers want, discerning if you can help,  showing what you have and helping them to mak