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How to Sell by Not Selling #505



How to Sell by Not Selling #505 In the timeless dance of commerce I'd like to reflect a bit on the business aspects of selling, the topic this podcast babbles about weekly. When you consider the profession of sales, what comes to mind? Is it a realm where one must assume the guise of a rapid-talking predator? Do you still hear at times the notion that selling requires you to be the elusive shark in the marketplace? It's a pervasive belief, and indeed, a hurtful one. So let's consider this: that the art of selling isn't a slam dance to the rhythm of forceful persuasion. In fact, the most profound selling arises not from the act of selling itself. Rather, it emerges from a subtler dance—a waltz of not selling. Yes, this is a paradox. Fathom a sales process that flows like a river, effortlessly shaping its course without the turbulent eddies of aggressive pitches. This is our exploration and the topic of today's episode, how to sell by not selling. Sales Babble shares selling secrets for non-sellers.  Masterful