Bob Cargill's Marketing Show

Social Media is a Level Playing Field



Episode 186 - Social Media is a Level Playing Field Social media is a level playing field on which anyone can win. Sure, it helps if you're a big brand or celebrity, but theoretically, anyone can make a big splash here, there or anywhere else on social media and attract a large audience. Share your journey and document your day. Take people behind the scenes. Take them along for the ride. Believe that others are interested in what you have to say, what you have to show, what you have to share, etc. They really do want to see you and hear from you, day in and day out. That's human nature. People are curious. People care more than you may realize about your daily routine, your highlights and milestones, your victories and defeats. You are the star of your own show on social media. Step into the spotlight. The floor is yours. Rise to the occasion. Take advantage of the opportunity. Get after it now. #SocialMedia #Branding #PersonalBranding #Marketing