Police Off The Cuff

Imette St. Guillen murder



Imette St, Guillen Murder case #DarrylLittlejohn #JohJayCollege #NYPD #DNA #Detectives #75Squad The SoHo bar bouncer convicted in the 2006 rape and murder of Imette St. Guillen, a 24-year-old graduate student, was sentenced to life without parole in Brooklyn State Supreme Court. “I hope that the conclusion of these proceedings today will provide you with some small measure of solace,” Judge Abraham G. Gerges told Ms. St. Guillen’s relatives. Ms. St. Guillen was last seen alive on Feb. 25, 2006, leaving the Falls bar through a side door at closing time with the bouncer, Darryl Littlejohn. Her body was found handcuffed, gagged and wrapped in a blanket alongside a desolate road in East New York, Brooklyn, later that day. The killing was widely publicized and led the City Council to pass legislation intended to make nightclubs safer. In court, Ms. St. Guillen’s mother, Maureen, read aloud a letter that her daughter had written on the night of her 24th birthday. She had spent the day shopping, she wrote, and the