Police Off The Cuff

ATF Asst. Director Peter Forcelli Fast and Furious #NYPD #ATF #FastandFurious #IronPipeline #Guns



ATF Asst. Director Peter Forcelli Fast and Furious #NYPD #ATF #FastandFurious #IronPipeline #Guns Career investigator, public safety professional and law enforcement subject matter expert. Retired ATF Deputy Assistant Director and NYPD Homicide Detective. Survivor of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in NYC. Volunteer returning public speaker at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. Provided testimony before Congress is the Operation Fast & Furious oversight investigation. Led ATF’s critical incident response and investigation into a number of high profile, mass shooting incidents, which were covered by both national and international news media. These incidents include the mass shootings at: -Fort Lauderdale- Hollywood International Airport -Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. -Investigation into Omar Mateen, the shooter at the Pulse Nightclub mass shooting and his acquisition of the firearms used in that incident. Responsible for the exoneration of 12 wrongfully arre