Police Off The Cuff

Manhunt for dangerous inmate continues.



Manhunt for dangerous inmate continues. Alabama jail guard Vicky White had secret phone calls over the course of two years with the murder suspect she helped smuggle out of jail last week. The corrections officer kept her 'special relationship' with Casey White alive while he served a 75-year sentence in state prison for a crime spree that involved him shooting at his ex-girlfriend, according to Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton. Casey was moved from state prison to the county jail where Vicky works in February to face trial on separate capital murder charges. Vicky then sold her house and planned to retire on Friday before taking off with him instead. A warrant has been issued for her arrest. Video of her leading the 6ft9in inmate out of jail shows she was 'prepared' to help him escape, says Human Behavior Academy president Susan Constantine. 'It was really obvious to me what was going on here was planned out, methodical, and she had played it out in her mind, even to where how she parked the