Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Nadya Ginsburg Takes on the Evolving Face of Madonna



Nadya Ginsburg loves to imitate celebrities, and celebrities love to imitate her in return.For years Nadya has been well known for her stage show and web series The Madonnalouges, where she portrays Madonna’s and other famous women existential crisis as they face the harsh light of fame.Her work is so good, it inspired Madonna to try her hand at standup comedy and to make funny viral videos with her daughter Lourdes.Yeah it really happened.https://youtu.be/cbFSQX6DMasRecently Madonna got everyone’s attention at the Grammys when she showed up looking like she had a lot of work done on her face. Will Nadya go under the knife to continue her tête-à-tête with the plastic material girl?Is it possible to create space for entertainers to be wonderfully weird and do what they want with their bodies without the harsh condemnation of the public?Today comedian Nadya Ginsburg, best known for her uncanny impersonations of Cher, Winona Ryder and Madonna joins us to look at the evolution of Madonna’s face and how we have a