Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Shea Menchaca, Austin’s Bodybuilding Glamazon



Every great adventure begins with an explosion that sets our heroes on a new path, and bodybuilding is no exception. When the journey begins, it’s great to have the wisdom of a good teacher to help illuminate the path towards building muscle. Let’s Grow Big Together - where sticks and stones may break your bones but squats make you a badass. In this series, we’re taking a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains. Today Shea Menchaca, Austin’s bodybuilding glamazon, coach, guru, chef and owner of the legendary gym Metroflex ATX, joins us to talk about inspiring others to overcome their struggles and build lots and lots of muscle. SHEA MENCHAKA: instagram.com/shea_glamazon_of_metroflx_ifbbFAUSTO FERNOS: instagram.com/faustofernosMARC FELION: instagram.com/marcfelionPlus-- • Bodybuilding on the cutting edge with peptides, stem cells and hormone replacement therapy. • 100 repetition finishers for biceps and triceps, do they wo