Pod Strickland

Pod Strickland Patreon Preview 392 feat. SJ: Playoff Primer



On today's pod Shwin and Prez are joined by SJ to discuss how the Knicks stack up in their opening round series against the Sixers, how effective will Joel Embiid be in his return from a meniscus procedure, why New York's advantage on the glass could prove to be the difference, why the third time will prove to be the charm for the Mavs in their series vs the Clippers, how critical is it for Kidd's long-term future to emerge victorious in round 1, previewing the rest of the first round matchups, and much more! To access the full pod subscribe to our Patreon and the Strickland discord subscribe to our Patreon for $6/mo:http://patreon.com/thestrickland