Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

From Burnout to Brilliant with Dr. Romie Mushtaq



Exhausted from the extreme demands of your career, paired with your daily personal commitments that never seem to end? Get ready for an empowering conversation with the amazing board-certified physician, Dr. Romie, about the critical importance of advocating for our brain and body wellness. Join us as we explore practical strategies and insights for creating a culture of well-being in both our personal and professional lives. Can I get an AMEN?! Key Takeaways Dr. Romie shares strategies leaders can implement to foster a culture of well-being in the workplace; including prioritizing mental health, managing energy levels, and setting boundaries, leading to a healthier and more balanced work environment. The dire impact on the entire workforce of insulin resistance and its relation to metabolic syndrome. The importance of self-advocacy, body awareness, and taking proactive steps towards better health, especially for women facing unique health challenges. Energy is more contagious than any virus. Being mindfu