Bombshell Business Podcast With Amber Hurdle

Choose Confidence Until You Become It with Nicole Kalil



In this episode, Nicole Kalil shares invaluable insights on building confidence and overcoming self-doubt. She discusses the journey of choosing confidence until it becomes innate and embracing the power of resilience and authenticity in all your endeavors. Amber reflects on her own journey of building confidence, emphasizing the value of self-compassion and learning from past challenges. Key Takeaways Confidence is a firm and bold trust in oneself that can be practiced and cultivated over time. Inner knowing is essential for distinguishing between self-doubt and authentic confidence. Embracing monotonous activities and journaling can create space for self-reflection and inner growth. Learning from failures and setbacks is crucial for building trust in oneself and one's abilities. Confidence is not about being fearless but about choosing courage in the face of fear and uncertainty. Remember, confidence is not a destination but a journey of continuous growth and self-discovery. Are you ready to begin th