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387: Escaping the Ivory Tower: Stepping into Thought Leadership for Greater Impact with Laura McGuire, EdD



I talk quite a bit on this podcast about "the expert trap" and how so many of us get stuck teaching and training and don't step into thought leadership. This applies not only to those of us who are entrepreneurs, but of course to all the academics out there as well (hand raised!). This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone passionate about making a difference through their work, particularly in academia or any field where expertise is a given, but thought leadership can make an even bigger impact.  My guest is Laura McGuire, EdD, a social scientist, educator, and entrepreneur whose journey and work exemplify transformative thought leadership. Laura's story is not just inspiring; it's a call to action for all of us to think bigger and challenge the status quo in our respective fields.  Laura and I talk about: The Expert Trap vs. Thought Leadership: Learn how professionals in academia, science, and other fields can transcend the confines of being labeled merely as experts to embrace the mantle of