Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

How Much Time & Talent are You Wasting? – a discussion with Michael C. Mankins, partner at Bain & Company and an expert on unleashing three critical assets – time, talent & energy



Michael C. Mankins                 How Much Time & Talent are You Wasting? Time goes largely unmanaged in business. So are talent and energy. Would you allow an employee to walk off with a big piece of equipment? Then why are you allowing them to steal the time of team members and fellow employees? The average front-line supervisor spends 23 hours/week in meetings of 4 people or more and 8 hours sending/responding to email. After all of that largely wasted time, research shows there are only 6.5 hours to do the work, and that is a big contributor to why managers are taking work home in the evenings and on weekends. Engaged employees are 25% more productive, yet inspired employees are 125% more productive! Inspired leaders in a culture of responsibility and accountability produce more. When you pair that with deploying the talent of star players to your business-critical endeavors you have a combination for a high-performance team. Where are you wasting time and the talent of your best people? This pod