Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Do You Need a 100 Day Report Card? – a discussion of why 90 to 100 days may not be long enough to evaluate talent and success



              Do You Need a 100 Day Report Card?  There is a current business practice to have employees sign a 90 day opt-out if they don’t live up to expectations. But is 90 or 100 days enough time to evaluate someone’s performance? Being new in a position does not signify immediate success or a turnaround. Depending on the position, the complexity of change and preparing to turn a ship around can take time. In fact, so often I see where a business can’t even define what success in each position looks like. Employees aren’t provided specific and direct criteria of performance levels and standards. Rather than setting short-term windows to determine success or failure, as a leader you should be setting people up for success from the start. People who enter each work day clear on their direction and where to focus their time are motivated employees with a mission. Master the art of arriving at successful destinations in your business. This podcast will get you started.   Click here to check out our