Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Is Your Workplace Like B.S., Incorporated? – a careening conversation with the authors of B.S. (the book!), Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss



Jennifer Rock & Michael Voss               Is Your Workplace Like B.S., Incorporated?  Have you ever felt like you worked at B.S., Incorporated? No, not that B.S., but Business Services, Inc! Often our workplaces can seem like a soap opera or Peyton Place, yet the truth is that life is a soap opera and we humans do a good job of making it so. That’s why writing a fictionalized non-fiction book – or was it a true story with names to protect the guilty – is fun to write and fun to read. Jennifer Rock and Michael Voss have several decades of corporate experience between them, and the situations and experiences they faced were often nothing short of a soap opera. So, these two public relations people decided they must do what only P.R. people can do, write a book! If you work in a real-life Peyton Place, you must read about Business Solutions, Inc. and compare stories. Because nothing is more funny than real life! And you might learn a few lessons along the way.   To learn more about Jennifer Rock and Mi