Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Yes, Everyone is Judging You – A writer and director of film, theatre and television helps leaders create their ‘Big Talk’ and truly connect with their audience



Tricia Brouk             Yes, Everyone is Judging You  It is said that the #1 fear in the world is public speaking, well ahead of #5, which is death. Does that seem right?  Would you rather be dead than to have to speak in front of others?  It is human to fear others judging us, yet as a leader that fear must be conquered if you are to communicate your thoughts and motivate others to action.  Getting your ideas across is paramount to your success.  You need to lead teams and companies to their goals.  Yet, if you struggle communicating with passion and conviction and motivating others to act, you are missing the mark.  It is not uncommon to be poor at public speaking, and it is absolutely a skill you can conquer – and conquer you must!  Check out this podcast as Steve talks with an expert in helping others communicate their big idea and to develop an Oscar-worthy presentation.   To learn more about Tricia Brouk and her work, click here.       Click here to check out our newest leadership developm