Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Live a Life of Reinvention – a conversation with a self-described expert at self-reinvention and author of the book “Reinventing You,” Dorie Clark



Dorie Clark               Live a Life of Reinvention  Has an unplanned change in jobs ever caused you to panic about where you’ll find the next one? Possibly you’ve become tired of the one you currently have and are ready to make a change, either some new skills and knowledge or a new career entirely.  Start getting ready now by reinventing yourself.  You don’t need to reinvent yourself entirely.  Simply looking at new abilities to add to your repertoire can add a spark to things and increase value right where you’re at.  Looking at the things that interest and excite you, like learning a new language, getting a degree or taking on a fun project can reinvigorate and add value too.  The more you learn to broaden your expertise, the more flexible you can be as situations change.  Don’t be willing to unhappily grind it out.  Reinvent yourself and the love you have for your life and career.   Learn more about Dorie Clark by clicking here.  Download her entrepreneurial self-assessment by clicking here.  A