Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

What are the Rules for Creativity in Your Organization? An inspiring conversation with Jon Kolko, author of “Creative Clarity – A Practical Guide for Bringing Creative Thinking into Your Company”



Jon Kolko               What are the Rules for Creativity in Your Organization?  Is your organization known for its creativity in product or service solutions and for arriving at creative solutions to challenging internal issues? Just like individuals, organizations can think of themselves as not being creative, yet it behooves them to gain creative clarity, have a creative strategy and value a culture of criticism. If you are stumped about what that means, you need to listen to the conversation Steve had with Jon Kolko, the author of Creative Clarity: A Practical Guide for Bringing Creative Thinking into Your Company. Every bone in Jon’s body is creative, and he shares great insights into the rules of creativity and the value of having a creative environment in your organization. There are rules to the game (so to speak) and Jon explains them with clarity and simplicity.   Learn more about Jon Kolko, his work and writing by visiting Modernist Studio and his personal website.  You can also follow him