Manager Mojo With Steve Caldwell

Are Remote Employees Actually Working? An eye-opening conversation with one of today’s experts in the field of remote work



Liam Martin               Are Remote Employees Actually Working?  Remote workers are quite common today, yet there continues to be the lingering doubt that they are actually working. How can you know if yours are – or aren’t? While it is true that remote workers are happier, more efficient, can be hired faster and have higher retention, and remote work is the #1 request of millennials, how can you be sure they are doing what is needed and expected? Are they extremely busy? That’s no indicator. If you’ve thought that building a remote team of top talent was impossible, think again. It is very possible and in fact, has been done. Liam Martin is the co-founder and CMO of and an expert into the pros/cons, ins/outs of successfully hiring and managing remote workers. If you struggle managing and leading remotely, you’ll find great ideas in this podcast to turn that around.   Learn more about Liam Martin and get a free trial by checking out   To learn more about his conference